Evaluate diverse pediatric complaints efficiently and accurately with this best-selling resource from the American Academy of Pediatrics!
This convenient handbook helps you effectively evaluate patient complaints, and develop sound differential diagnoses and management strategies.
This practice-focused resource provides must-know information and expert advice for confidently addressing more than 80 diagnostic challenges.
Discover all the pediatric issues you’re most likely to see
Look here for the essentials on everything from abdominal, back, and chest pain…to fever, fatigue, headache, and heart murmurs…to rash, red eye, sleep disturbances, and speech and language concerns…plus much more. Coverage also extends to evaluation of mental health symptoms, including anxiety, depression, disruptive behavior, emotional disturbance, inattention and impulsivity, and self-harm.
Some 200 full-color images complement the concise text!
Work through patient problems efficiently and systematically
Designed to work the way you do, Signs and Symptoms in Pediatrics guides you through every step in the diagnostic decision-making process. Information on each complaint is presented in the order in which you need to consider it as your evaluation proceeds.
- Pathophysiology and epidemiology
- History
- Physical examination
- Laboratory tests
- Imaging studies
- Approaches to initial management
- Ongoing care and follow-up
- Suggestions on when to refer or admit
Ready-reference features help save time and enhance outcomes
- Presenting complaints are organized alphabetically for speedy look up.
- Easy-to-follow algorithms simplify clinical decision-making
- At-a-glance charts and data tables
- Text boxes highlighting potential differential diagnoses
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