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Paediatric gastroenterology emerged as a speciality in the 1960s. Since then it has become an essential component of major academic paediatric programmes throughout the world. The introduction of new diagnostic techniques that required special skills, as well as the development of comples new therapies for children with gastrointestinal disorders, were cornerstones in the development of the speciality. The recognition that appropriate nurition during infancy and childhood is vital for health and the profound impact that many gastrointestinal diseases may have upon growth also contributed to the discipline’s development.
Many excellent paediatric gastroenterology texts have been published since the first textbook on the subject was published in the early 1970s, but there are not so many based on excellent figures and comprehensive tables. Paediatric Gastroenterology, An Atlas of Investigation and Management, provides concise and practical information for readers. Topics on the three main areas of the speciality gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition constitute the body of this book. The authors were carefully selected to provide a comprehensive and clear account of their assigned topics. All of them have been willing to dedicate their time, knowledge, and effort in preparing their chapters. Our most sincere thanks to them. It has been a pleasure to work with Clinical Publishing’s production team who have helped to produce a book of outstanding quality.
We hope and expect that this Atlas will be of benefit to all. physicians dealing with gastrointestinal problems in children.
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