[PDF] Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach 8th Edition

The Eighth Edition of Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach builds upon the thorough coverage of integrative and molecular physiology topics that have always been the foundation of this book. The biggest change is a completely revised Chapter 24 on immunology.

This field has expanded dramatically since the First Edition published in 1997, and it was time to step back and re-think the presentation of this complicated and complex subject. Neurophysiology is also changing rapidly, requiring multiple updates in Chapters 8 through 11. In nearly every chapter the latest developments in research and medicine meant changes to the presentation of information.

Continuing the revision of the art introduced in the Seventh Edition, we created additional Review and Essentials figures that students can use for quick review as well as new Anatomy Summaries and concept maps. Figures from previous editions that were significantly modified or eliminated are still available to instructors on the Instructor’s DVD and in the Instructor Resources area of Mastering A&P.

In addition to the online Phys in Action videos that are referenced in related figures, we have new Try It! activities throughout the book. These activities present data, usually from classic experiments, and ask the students to interpret the results. Topics include Benjamin Franklin’s little-known experiment that helped development of the phospholipid bilayer model of the membrane, and the experiments that resulted in oral rehydration therapy for treating cholera.

NEW! Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules help instructors efficiently make use of the best teaching tools before, during, and after class. Accessed through the Instructor Resources area of Mastering A&P, and curated by author Dee Silverthorn, modules include skill development applications for Human Physiology including Concept Mapping and Graphing.

Learning Catalytics allows students to use their smartphone, tablet, or laptop to respond to questions in class. Visit learningcatalytics.com to learn more.

The Mastering A&P Instructor Resources Area includes the following downloadable tools for instructors who adopt the Eighth Edition for their classes:
•Customizable PowerPoint® lecture outlines include customizable images and provide a springboard for lecture prep.
•All of the figures, photos, and tables from the text are available in JPEG and PowerPoint® formats, in labelled and unlabelled versions, and with customizable labels and leader lines.
•Test bank provides thousands of customizable questions across Bloom’s taxonomy levels. Each question is tagged to chapter learning outcomes that can also be tracked within Mastering Anatomy & Physiology assessments. Available in Microsoft® Word and TestGen® formats.
•Animations and videos bring human physiology concepts to life.
•A comprehensive Instructor Resource Manual, co-authored by Dee Silverthorn and Damian Hill, includes a detailed teaching outline for each chapter, along with a wealth of activities, examples, and analogies that have been thoroughly class-tested with thousands of students.
•Customizable Study Questions, co-authored by Dee Silverthorn and Damian Hill, help students focus their reading on the most important points in each chapters and are organized by chapter section headers for easy editing to reflect the material covered in class

+ You can download this medical book free here: DOWNLOAD

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