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Một phần nội dung trong tài liệu
The beneficial effects of probiotic foods on human health and nutrition are increasingly recognized by health professionals. Recent scientific work on the properties and functionality of living micro-organisms in food have suggested that probiotics play an important role in immunological, digestive and respiratory functions, and that they could have a significant effect on the alleviation of infectious diseases in children and other high-risk groups. In parallel, the number and type of probiotic foods and drinks that are available to consumers, and marketed as having health benefits, has increased considerably.
In view of this growing popularity of probiotic foods, and the lack of international consensus on the methodology to assess their efficacy and the safety, FAO and WHO initiated work to examine the scientific evidence on the functional and safety aspects of probiotics in food. In particular, an expert consultation on the health and nutritional properties of powder milk with live lactic acid bacteria was convened by FAO and WHO in Cordoba, Argentina in 2001, and an expert working group organized in 2002 to develop guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food.
The FAO/WHO consultation in 2001 brought together international scientific experts to evaluate available information on the functional and safety aspects of probiotics in powder milk. The consultation examined available scientific information on the dietary impact of probiotics, evaluated their properties, benefits, safety and nutritional features, and considered their potential adverse effects, taking into consideration work done by national authorities, FAO, WHO and other international organizations and relevant global fora. It reviewed the scientific basis for health claims linked to probiotic foods, considered regulatory needs and discussed strategies for the safety and nutritional assessment of probiotics, taking into account public concerns and food safety evaluation findings. The consultation generated a number of recommendations for further research, as well as priorities for the evaluation of safety and nutritional aspects of probiotics and regulatory requirements.
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