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Một phần nhỏ nội dung từ sách
This textbook is a comprehensive introduction to diseases of the cardiovascular system. “Although excellent cardiology reference books are available, their encyclopedic content can overwhelm the beginning student. Therefore, this text was created to serve as a simplified bridge between courses in basic physiology and the care of patients in clini- cal settings. It is intended to help medical students and physicians-In-training form a solid foundation of knowledge of diseases of the heart and circula- tion and is designed to be read in its entirety dur- ing standard courses in cardiovascular pathophys iology. Emphasis has been placed on the basic mechanisms by which cardiac illnesses develop, in order to facilitate later in-depth study of clinical diagnosis and therapy. The motivation for writing this book was the need for such a text voiced by our medical stu- dents, as well as their desire to participate in its creation and direction. Consequently, the book’s development is unusual in that it arose from a close collaboration between Harvard medical stu- dents and cardiology faculty, who shared in the writing and editing of the original manuscript. The goal of this pairing was to focus the subject mat- ter on the needs of the student, while providing the expertise of our faculty members. Similar col- laboration between medical students and faculty continued through the first six editions of the text. In this updated and rewritten seventh edition of Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: An Introduction to Cardiovascular Medicine, another collaborative effort has been undertaken, this time between a select group of postgraduate trainees (cardiol ogy fellows and internal medical residents) and our cardiovascular faculty. This new pairing was designed to extend the coverage of clinically rel- evant material and to create a series of pertinent questions and answers in each chapter to reinforce the reader’s learning.
The introductory chapters of the book con- sider basic cardiac anatomy and physiology and describe tools needed for understanding clinical aspects of subsequent material. The remainder of the text addresses the major groups of cardio- vascular diseases. The chapters are designed and edited to be read in sequence but are sufficiently cross-referenced so that they can also be used out of order. The final chapter describes the major classes of cardiovascular drugs and explains the physiologic rationale for their uses.
It has been a great privilege for me to collaborate with the 118 talented and creative medical students and physicians-in-training who have contributed to the seven editions of this book. Their intelligence, en- thusiasm, energy, and dedication have made the pro- duction of each manuscript enjoyable and intellec tually stimulating. I am also indebted to my faculty colleague coauthors for their time, their expertise, and their continued commitment to this project.
I sincerely appreciate the thoughtful comments received from faculty and students around the globe pertaining to previous editions of this book. These communications have been very helpful in directing the current revision. I also acknowledge with gratitude several individuals who provided Images, comments, reviews, or other support to this edition: Suhny Abbara, Lauren Bayer, J. Phillip Bowen, Marcelo DiCarli, Sharmila Dorbala, Marie Gerhard-Herman, Andetta Hunsaker, Raymond Kwong, Gillian Lieberman, Robert Padera, Helmut Rennke, Frank Rybicki, Christian Sampson, Fred- erick Schoen, Pinak Shah, Michael Steigner, Scott Streckenbach, and Yee-Ping Sun.
It has been a pleasure to work with the editorial and production staffs of our publisher, Lippincott
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