Basic Information:

Year: 2015

Page Number: 288

File Type: PDF

File Size: 62.76 MB

Authors/ Editiors: Harold Ellis


The superb full-colour cadaver sections are compared with CT and MRI images, with accompanying, labelled, line diagrams. Many of the radiological images have been replaced with new examples for this latest edition, captured using the most up-to date imaging technologies to ensure excellent visualization of the anatomy. The photographic material is enhanced by useful notes with details of important anatomical and radiological features.

Beautifully presented in a generous format, Human Sectional Anatomy continues to be an invaluable resource for all radiologists, radiographers, surgeons and medics, in training and in practice, and an essential component of departmental and general medical library collections.

User’s Review:

I gave this book a 5 star review because it gives a cross section of actual human anatomy alongside CT and MRI scans of the same region of the body. The book is clear in its explanations of the anatomy imaged as well as what modality was used to obatin the images.

Although this book is by no means a complete anatomy book, it is a great supplement for anyone who is in the diagnostic imaging field who would like to either learn more about the images they are looking at or just wants to brush up on some anatomy in a way that is both useful and relevant to their field.

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